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CBD 101 – The Benefits of CBD

More Americans than ever are choosing cannabidiol (CBD) therapeutics. Using it as a way of providing natural relief for their medical conditions. Consumers have also found that these products have increased the quality of life for their pets too.

For new users, there’s always a little bit of a learning curve. Simply some key questions that should be answered before you start supplementing with CBD products. Therefore, we’ve compiled a quick beginner’s guide to get you on the right track.

Please note: it’s important that you seek the advice of a qualified medical professional who is well versed in the therapeutic use of CBD before beginning any use for yourself or your pet.

CBD 101 – What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It is one of over 100 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract

Though CBD and THC are both found in cannabis plants, it’s important to distinguish between them. THC comes from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis species known as marijuana and has long been classified as illegal in many countries due to its psychoactive properties. On the other hand, CBD can also be extracted from marijuana or a type of cannabis known as hemp. This is because molecular CBD is the same whether it is sourced from hemp or from marijuana. However, hemp CBD products usually contain negligible (or zero) THC and have no psychoactive effects.

This means that products made from Hemp CBD don’t make you high, as well as offer numerous therapeutic benefits to humans and other mammals.

CBD 101 – The Ancient History

The use of cannabis extracts as blood thinners and even anaesthetics first appeared in the 2nd century B.C, and around A.D. 77 the Romans were using hemp extensively for pain relief too. Over in India, the use of cannabis flowers and seeds were used in a variety of balms and tinctures. In fact, by the 17th century, the use of hemp extract as an appetite stimulant and antibiotic was well documented here and in Europe.

By the 18th century, cannabis was acknowledged for its various positive properties in humans and animals suffering from rheumatic diseases, cholera, tetanus and hydrophobia. 

CBD 101 – The Re-Emergence Of CBD

Over the past few decades, there has been an explosion of research into the health benefits of CBD and related cannabinoid applications. In the 1990s, researchers began to discover the intricate role of the endocannabinoid system in keeping humans and animals in good health. Over the following decades, the mysteries of cannabinoids and CBD extracts were researched and methods of refining and isolating CBD for consumers to use was really ramped up.

Fast forward to today, CBD oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant worldwide. It’s now used globally as a dietary supplement, as well as for a variety of therapeutic purposes, with extensive research unearthing new applications each year. As a result, CBD extract can now be used in several different ways including vaping, tinctures, capsules and edibles.

CBD 101 – How to Buy Superior CBD Extract?

The therapeutic landscape has certainly shifted in regards to non-intoxicating CBD-rich products, particularly with regards to smokeless delivery systems. On the positive side, it’s easier than ever to purchase CBD oils. On the downside, there really is a wealth of inconsistent quality and even mislabeled cannabidiol products on the market.

Stacy’s CBD Oil  has been founded on the principle that everyone deserve CBD-rich products that are 100% free from toxic solvent residues, pesticides, corn syrup, artificial flavours and colours, and other contaminants. Our conscientious consumers know that what they read on the label is exactly what they get when they buy from our selection.

Find out more about our Stacy’s CBD Oil. 

CBD 101 – Why Use CBD Supplements?

As mentioned, there really has been a boom in research initiatives aimed at helping the medical world fully come to grips with the benefits and applications of CBD. This is because studying cannabinoid supplementation on the endocannabinoid system has already yielded positive effects on several conditions. These include rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation and pain, seizures, anxiety and depression, PTSD, skin allergies and even withdrawal from addictions.

CBD 101 – How Does CBD Work?

Scientists have discovered over time that the endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in regulating a broad range of physiological processes in humans and other mammals. These processes include a person’s mood, energy levels, intestinal fortitude, hunger, immune activity and even glucose metabolism. What happens when this system is deficient or over active? Unfortunately, many pathological conditions and diseases may ensue. This is why supplementing the endocannabinoid system with CBD can provide relief from a multitude of illnesses and conditions (Pal Pacher and George Kunos, U.S. NIH, 2014).

CBD 101 – How to Choose CBD Products?

How you decide to use CBD products can often depend on what makes the most sense for what you’re treating. For example, if you’ve got chronic muscle tension then you may find more relief from using a topical balm. If you’d like to supplement with CBD to quit smoking tobacco then CBD e-liquids may be more up your alley. Your furry friend on the hand will be most happy with pet-specific CBD oils, tinctures and treats. It really is quite subjective to a specific application and desired treatment.

CBD 101 – Does CBD Oil Have Side Effects?

As is the case with almost all supplements, CBD does have potential side effects. These are usually mild and short-lived. Just as too much vitamin A can cause headaches, too much CBD can become unpleasant too. The golden rule when it comes to minimizing any side effects is to always use the lowest dose you possibly can to experience a relief of symptoms. This benefit-to-side-effect ratio is best achieved at the minimum effective dosage.

CBD 101 – How to Find an Ideal CBD Dosage?

CBD dosage isn’t an exact science and each person’s needs are unique. In fact, this is true of almost all supplements. You don’t really know if you’ll be deficient in a certain vitamin on any given day while supplementing with a multi-vitamin. But you do know that should your body not find the vitamins it needs from your diet, then it will take what it’s lacking from the supplement and simply flush the rest. Introducing a CBD to your daily routine is similar.

As a nutritional supplement, CBD can be used to encourage the replacement of any natural cannabinoid deficits you may be experiencing. Sure, this is a really simple way of explaining a very complicated process. To answer the question more specifically, in order to find your ideal dosage, you should be doing two things:

  1. Consulting with a qualified medical professional who is well versed in the therapeutic use of CBD.
  2. Begin with a low dosage and then assess your symptoms over a couple of weeks. After this, you can begin choosing to dose higher or even lower. This is the best way to eventually find the optimum dosage for you.

CBD 101 – Is CBD Oil Safe for You?

Yes, when you get the best quality CBD products from a reputable and trusted source like https://stacyscbdoil.com/ , then you can rest assured that CBD is non-addictive and non-toxic to your body. In some cases, it can offer great benefits over many traditional pharmaceutical options. Many of which can sometimes be harmful to your body. Ensure that you’ve consulted with a qualified medical professional, who is well-versed in cannabinoid therapeutics, and that you optimize your ideal dosage.

CBD 101 – Is CBD Oil Safe for Your Pet?

Yes, similar to supplementing your own body, CBD is also non-addictive and non-toxic to your mammal pets. This is particularly true when you buy quality products from sources that prioritise accuracy and transparency, like CBD oil for Dogs.  Our CBD product range for pets can be safely administered to dogs, cats, horses and other mammals.

Just be sure to consult with a veterinarian who is familiar with cannabinoid therapeutics before you begin giving you dog cbd oil for dogs.

CBD 101 – Buying CBD from Stacy’s CBD Oil

You can buy exceptionally high quality, USA grown CBD balms, lotions, vapes, pet oils, tinctures and more from www.stacyscbdoil.com We currently provide CBD products from the USA that have been tested for purity and quality

Shop from our online CBD selection for quick and easy delivery. Striving to provide the very best quality and retail service is why we’re trusted by so many South Africans. Read more about us. Would you like to know more about the terminology used in this guide or in the industry? Please see our glossory of terms.

CBD Glossary: Important Terminology

Found yourself confused by the jargon surrounding CBD? No problem, we’ve compiled this simple glossary of terms to clarify exactly what you’re buying.

Alcohol Extraction – This extraction method requires the immersion of plant material in high-grade ethanol or an equivalent alcohol solvent for approximately 5 minutes. Once the dark resin has been expelled, the alcohol is then boiled off for around 20 to 30 minutes in order to leave behind a viscous substance as it cools.

Bioavailability – This is a pharmacological term that refers to the proportion of a drug or other substance to effectively enter the bloodstream and then be used by the body. For example, injecting a substance may have higher bioavailability (i.e. more likely to have an active effect on the body) than orally ingesting it.

Broad Spectrum – This kind of CBD product is considered a little bit of a mix between Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate. Broad Spectrum CBD products usually contain more than just CBD. For example, some minor cannabinoids and terpenes, but no psychoactive THC. These multiple cannabinoids may also deliver the “entourage effect”.

Cannabidiol (CBD) – This is an active ingredient in cannabis derived from the Hemp plant. It is an important non-psychotropic Phytocannabinoid that produces a large amount of pharmacological, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. CBD is not associated with the typical psychoactive effects of THC and does not make you “high”.

Cannabinoid – This is a large and varied group of substances, regardless of origin or structure, that are classified together for their ability to join the cannabinoid receptors of the body and brain. These cannabinoid molecules can be produced by animal bodies, certain plants like cannabis and even manufactured artificially.

Cannabis Oil – This refers to an oil that is derived from the cannabis plant. It is a concentrated form of cannabis extract containing many of its resins and terpenes – in particular, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids. It’s important to note that this is usually used to describe high-THC-containing oils.

CBD Capsules – These usually come in a soft gel form and are considered one of the most convenient ways to supplement with CBD. If you travel, keep a hectic schedule, or simply prefer not having to measure out drops on your tongue, these are the answer. CBD capsules are also very precisely dosed for keeping track of daily consumption.

CBD Oil – This is a cannabis product (hemp or marijuana-derived) that is made from high-cannabidiol-containing hemp that boasts a low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) level. Because of the low levels of THC, this makes CBD oil non-psychoactive and it is often used to regulate the body’s appetite, sleep, mood, hormones, and immune response.

CBD Sprays – These usually contain the weakest concentration of CBD compared to many other products. Dosages tend to be more inconsistent compared to other oral forms of ingestion. Sprays are however quite popular as they are easy to carry and administer. To administer, spray one serving (usually ±2 sprays) into the mouth.

CBD Vape-Oil – This employs the use of a vaporiser and you can fill the cartridge with a CBD vape-oil (aka vape-juice) of your choice. Vaping does appear to have a less profound effect than other methods of administering CBD. However, you can continue to vape until you feel the desired relief, as one can feel the effects much more quickly.

Certificate of Analysis (COA) – This is a document issued by a testing facility as verification that a regulated product meets its product specification. They commonly contain the actual test results obtained as part of quality control testing of an individual batch of a product. These include potency tests, heavy metals tests, solvent tests and/or terpene tests.

Concentration – In chemistry, the concentration is the abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture. To prepare CBD concentrates, cannabidiol is extracted from hemp or cannabis by experts using various extraction methods. They then filter it down to achieve higher concentrations for various CBD products.

Dabbing – This is a consumption method that requires the action or practice of inhaling small quantities of a concentrated and vaporised cannabis oil or resin. This has usually been heated up on some kind of hot metal surface or an oil rig pipe. It is considered different to vaping or smoking cannabis concentrates but still involves inhalation.

Endocannabinoids – In biology, the term endogenous cannabinoid refers to the body’s cannabinoid receptors that make up the endocannabinoid system and respond to cannabinoid molecules. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands and immune cells.

Endocannabinoid System (ECS) – The ECS is a neuromodulatory system that plays important roles in central nervous system (CNS) development, synaptic plasticity and the response to endogenous and environmental insults. It is comprised of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids), and the enzymes responsible for the synthesis and degradation of these.

Entourage Effect – This can result when the many components within the cannabis plant interact with the human body to produce a stronger influence than any one of those components alone. It’s considered a balanced, synergistic effect. It’s a phenomenon that typically requires mostly avoiding isolate products in order to encourage a multiplying effect.

Full Spectrum – This type of product contains many cannabinoids beyond just CBD, along with other elements of the hemp plant, including naturally-occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, protein and more. These are generally within their naturally occurring quantities. Stacy’s CBD Oil offers full spectrum but with less than 0.2% THC.

Hemp – This is a type of plant that is typically found in the northern hemisphere and is a strain of the cannabis sativa plant species. Hemp is grown specifically for the many industrial uses of its derived products. Even though it is a part of the cannabis family, hemp usually contains less than 0.2% THC on a dry weight basis.

Hemp Oil – This is the essence of what is extracted from the hemp plant. It’s important to note that hemp oil and CBD oil are terms that are often used interchangeably within the CBD industry. When selecting a hemp oil, it is also important to note how much CBD is present in the final product. This will help you to find your ideal dosage too.

Hemp Seed Oil – Hemp seed oil and hemp (CBD) oil are entirely different products. While hemp oil is extracted from the stalks and stems of the plant, hemp seed oil is pressed specifically just from the seeds. It’s often used in skin care products and even for cooking. There is no cannabidiol in hemp seed oil i.e. none of the potential health benefits of CBD products.

Industrial Hemp – This is the type of agricultural hemp that is grown quite specifically for incorporation into a wide range of potential products. CBD oil can be derived from industrial hemp and it cannot contain more than 0.2% THC. So, it is therefore entirely separate from THC-containing cannabis strains, which includes medical marijuana.

Isolate (CBD) – This is simply purified CBD that’s been extracted and isolated from the other cannabinoids you’d usually find in full-spectrum CBD. Isolate CBD is often preferred when someone doesn’t necessarily need all of the capabilities of the full-spectrum variant or if you aren’t legally allowed to use THC in your location.

Liposomal CBD – This product employs a unique delivery system that bypasses the destructive elements of the gastric system. It has become a popular choice for many CBD users. This is because liposomal encapsulation aids hydrophobic or hydrophilic supplements, such as CBD, to be more effectively delivered to the body’s cells and tissues.

Liquid Solvent Extraction – This is a method for effectively extracting resin from plant matter. It involves utilising solvents like butane or hexane, which remain in liquid form under pressure and evaporate immediately on release. The dark oil left behind is the resin that can be used in various products. However, traces of impurities can persist.

Marijuana – As part of the cannabis genus, marijuana is a term used for the dried resinous flower buds and leaves of the female hemp or cannabis plant (sativa or indica variants). It’s also essentially a term for any cannabis plant that happens to contain over 0.2% THC on a dry weight basis. Marijuana can also have an abundance of CBD too.

MCT Oil – Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oils are popular for their ability to be easily metabolized by the body instead of being stored as fat or cholesterol. The most common type is a combination of palm and coconut oil. These are often used to reduce cholesterol levels and to increase the muscle mass and strength of older people.

Microdosing – This is the practice of administering very small amounts of a chemical or drug throughout the day, instead of larger amounts once or twice a day. This can be a way to test and benefit from a physiological reaction while minimising undesirable effects. Many people use this method to determine their ideal dose.

Oil Extraction – This extraction method often produces an oil that is perishable with a short lifespan. It involves using olive oil and heating the plant material in this to approximately 100°C for an hour or two. The seeds of the plant matter can also be cold pressed as an extraction method, but again CBD yields would be typically low and perishable.

Opioid – These are a class of medications that are commonly used for pain relief. Opioids need to be prescribed by doctors and medical practitioners, particularly as they have been connected to rising cases of addiction throughout the world. It is a compound resembling opium in addictive properties or physiological effects.

Oral – This is usually referring to a consumption method that entails a person swallowing a substance by way of the mouth. In the world of CBD retail, this is commonly CBD capsules, gummies, or pills.

Pure CBD Oil – This is considered the opposite of a full-spectrum CBD product. Pure CBD oil is created using CBD isolate with MCT oil and then also adding in anhydrous hemp oil. This is a great option for those who want to be assured of using a THC-free product that is both odourless and flavourless. Pure CBD oil can be used sublingually or orally.

Psychoactive – If a substance or compound is considered psychoactive, this means that it can alter a person’s perception, mindset, or otherwise normal brain function. You will notice that this term is also used to refer to psychoactive or psychotropic drugs, as well as a psychopharmaceutic product. These will have a profound or significant effect on mental processes.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) – This generally appears as a thick, black substance in a syringe and is a concentrated form of cannabis oil that is typically extremely high in THC. Rick Simpson Oil is most commonly administered to patients who are suffering from the symptoms of Cancer. This may provide a sense of relief from these symptoms.

Sublingual – In the medical world, this is a consumption method that entails a person applying the product under the tongue. This pharmacological route of administration relies on a substance being able to diffuse into the bloodstream through the tissues that are located right under the tongue. These are typically in the form of lozenges.

Supercritical CO2 Extraction – This is an extraction method that utilises a special machine called a closed-loop extractor. Using liquid carbon dioxide under high pressure and ultra-low temperatures, it’s able to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant matter. When the pressure is relieved, the CO2 evaporates immediately.

Shatter – This has become a popular slang term or nickname that is often used to denote a cannabis extract. It’s considered incredibly pure and clean. Shatter is a concentrated form of THC, made from the resin of the cannabis plant. It can also be associated with “wax,” and is usually consumed via inhalation at high temperatures.

Terpenes – This refers to any of a large group of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons that are found in the essential oils of plants. In fact, terpenes are oils found in all plants that also tend to give the particular plant its scent, taste, and even additional health benefits. This is a diverse class of organic compounds, produced by a huge variety of plants.

Terpsolate – This is a kind of cannabis distillery with both CBD and hemp combined. It’s a cannabis product that contains CBD and terpenes. For those who don’t want to use anything rich in THC, you’re encouraged to seek out CBD isolate products such as terpsolate instead of using full-spectrum CBD products or tonics.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – This is one of the primary cannabinoids found in cannabis and is very strongly associated with the psychoactive effects of marijuana. This is the substance that produces the “high” that results in the depression of the central nervous system. THC is classified as a mild sedative at low doses and a hallucinogen at high doses.

Tincture – This has traditionally been used to describe alcohol-based products that are made by dissolving a substance into alcohol. However, today it is also now used to describe even those products that are oil-based. There are many meanings to the word tincture, but most of them involve something that leaves a trace or residue.

Topical – This term refers to a product or method that requires you to apply the product to the skin on a specific part of the body topically. This means that it does not get into the bloodstream. It is intended to treat or affect only the specific area of the body it has been applied on. Topical products are usually oils, gels or creams.

Transdermal – This relates to a specific product or method that will require a person to apply the product directly to the skin. This does still get into the bloodstream and usually will also contain special permeability enhancers. It will be absorbed slowly into the body and is usually administered by an adhesive patch.

Vaping – This is the act of inhaling the vapor created when a liquid is heated beyond a certain point. This vapor is inhaled in a manner like smoking and is a popular CBD e-liquid administration method. Vaping CBD is shown to be one of the fasted forms of cannabinoid delivery because inhaling the vapour bypasses the digestive system.

Wax (CBD) – This refers to a very crystallized form of the fatty lipids that naturally occur in CBD oil. Waxes are obtained through a process called chromatography. While CBD wax can be taken sublingually or used to create a tincture, CBD wax is often heated in a process known as dabbing. CBD wax can come in a variety of consistencies.

Water Soluble – This means a substance’s ability to be dissolved in a body of liquid or water. More specifically, its ability to homogeneously be incorporated into water by separating into molecules or ions. A cannabis product can be manipulated for better water solubility, often through the use of liposomes or even specialized nano emulsion techniques.


(661) 480-5005



 Stacy’s CBD Oil 
39360 3rd St E  Suite 101
Palmdale, CA 93550



Store hours

M-S: 11am – 5pm